Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Want a Short, Yet Detailed, Overview of Grants Process?

To help you select your nonprofit/fundraising reading this summer, we've asked VLAA summer interns to describe and comment on some of the books available in our G&FC collection (and elsewhere)

The Art and Science of Grantsmanship
by John Tesoriero

Less than 200 pages long, this guide quickly takes the reader through the grant application process and still manages to give enough detailed instructions so that even veterans could learn a thing or two. The amount of detail may slightly overwhelm readers new to the grant application process, but the guide serves well as an introductory overview of the process. Suggestions on how and where to locate grant opportunities both within the local community and on the internet are included. Chapters about post-award administration and closing the grant project and information about what to do if an organization does not use all of its grant funds will be helpful for those who have already applied for and received grants. The author has been active in the field of grants for almost 30 years and his knowledge is apparent.
-- Shannon Martínez, VLAA Intern
Law Student at Saint Louis University School of Law